Discover The Evo Triangle Road Adventure

Discover The Evo Triangle Road Adventure
Photo by Nick Russill / Unsplash

Get ready for a thrilling drive along the Evo Triangle Road in North Wales. This route is known for its stunning views and amazing driving. It starts in the lovely village of Cerrigydrudion on the A5.

This 33km drive takes you through beautiful places. You'll see the peaceful Clocaenog Forest, the calm Llyn Bran, and the rolling hills by the A543. The Evo Triangle is perfect for car lovers and anyone who enjoys a road trip.

It's full of great spots for fishing, picnics, and it lets you dive into Welsh nature all year long.

Key Takeaways

  • The Evo Triangle Road encompasses nearly 33km of stunning North Wales landscape.
  • A round trip from Cerrigydrudion to Llyn Bran and back via the A543 takes around 30 minutes.
  • The route offers various types of accommodation for those wishing to extend their stay.
  • Local attractions include Cerrigydrudion Church, Llyn Brenig, and the Alwen Reservoir.
  • Visitors can enjoy fishing, nature walks, and sailing at Llyn Brenig, with only a few days unsuitable for sailing.

Introduction to the Evo Triangle Road

The Evo Triangle Road sits in North Wales, perfect for thrilling drives. It's a 20-mile stretch, about 32 kilometers long. Car lovers enjoy it for its mix of tough roads and beautiful sights.

What is the Evo Triangle Road?

It begins in Cerrigydrudion, goes through the A5 to Llyn Bran, and then loops back on the A543. It got its name because Evo Magazine tested cars there. They praised it as one of the UK's most scenic drives. The triangular route lets you drive both ways, giving everyone a unique journey.

Historical Significance

The Evo Triangle got known thanks to Evo Magazine. Over time, the road got safer and more thrilling. It now has 3D grass and better road textures. Safety barriers and speed cameras on the A543 have cut accidents by 63%. This shows how it’s become safer without losing its excitement.

Why It’s a Must-Visit for Car Enthusiasts

The Evo Triangle is a driver's dream with its speed and beauty. It's been updated for a smoother drive, even in rain. From driving by Yr Wyddfa to the Cambrian Mountains, this route is perfect for all. It takes you on a stunning trip through the Welsh countryside.

Planning Your Road Trip in North Wales

Starting a road trip across Wales is thrilling. It doesn't matter if it's your first time or you're experienced. The key is to plan well, then you can joyfully explore North Wales. Start early to make the most of your adventure.

Best Time to Visit

Begin your journey at 8am to avoid traffic. North Wales welcomes visitors all year. Each season paints the landscapes differently. Spring is alive with vibrant colours. Summer brings pleasant weather. Autumn covers the ground with leaves. Winter dresses everything in snow.

Essential Items to Bring

For a smooth journey, pack some must-have items:

  • Map - A paper map adds an extra layer of navigation.
  • Snacks and Refreshments - Keep some snacks and drinks handy to stay energised.
  • Camera - Capture the beauty and fun moments.
  • Weather Gear - Pack clothes suited for changing weather.

Map and snacks are great, but don't forget about your safety. Make sure your satnav has the latest safety camera updates. Keep an eye on the weather too. Following these simple tips will help you enjoy your trip. You'll discover amazing places in Wales. Wherever you go in North Wales, your road trip will be unforgettable.

Driving Routes in Wales: Your Starting Point at Cerrigydrudion

Cerrigydrudion is where the Evo Triangle, a famous driving route in North Wales, begins and ends. This route is about 33km long and takes you through many different landscapes and stunning views. You start your journey in this beautiful village, located in the midst of some of the UK's most scenic roads.

Key Landmarks in Cerrigydrudion

In Cerrigydrudion, you'll find many places worth visiting before you start your drive. The Cerrigydrudion Church is a must-see, known for its cultural and architectural importance. There are also natural wonders like Llyn Brenig and the Alwen Reservoir, perfect for a relaxing walk or a picnic.

Accommodation Options

Staying the night to enjoy the journey more? You'll have plenty of options for where to sleep and unwind. There's everything from small bed and breakfasts to cosy lodges. In the area, you can also check out places like the Llyn Brenig Sailing Club for fun water activities, with the chance to get a temporary membership.

The Scenic Roads in the UK: Along the A5 towards Llyn Bran

Driving along the A5 towards Llyn Bran lets you see stunning UK views. You’ll pass through green fields and forests, with old farmhouses now and then. This 33km route is part of the Evo Triangle, famous for great driving roads in Britain.

Top Sights Along the A5

On this journey, you'll find beautiful places to stop. Enjoy the view of rural life at local farms and villages. Stop at viewpoints to take a break and see the hills and moorlands.

Fishing and Picnicking at Llyn Bran

Llyn Bran is ideal for fishing or having a picnic. The quiet waters and green views are perfect to relax. It's a great stop to enjoy nature away from busy roads.

Llyn Bran is a peaceful place for fishing or picnicking. Its beautiful environment makes it perfect for a countryside adventure in Britain. Enjoy the views while doing relaxing activities.

Experience the A543: Rolling Hills and Scenic Views

The A543 route changes the view from dense forests to vast open spaces. You'll see endless rolling hills ahead. This makes it one of the best scenic drives in the UK.

Driving along this road, you're in for a treat. The vast sky and open lands are unforgettable. The A543 is part of the Evo Triangle, known for great drives. It's a favourite for those who like cars and admire nature.

Anyone can enjoy the A543, whether you like easy drives or challenging ones. It's not just about the road, but the stops to take in the peaceful hills. Everywhere you look, there's a chance to take a stunning photo.

This road shows the best of the UK's scenic routes. The wide views and gentle hills are easy to get to. It's perfect for anyone wanting a memorable drive through Britain's finest landscapes.

Stops and Sights on the Evo Triangle

Looking for a great drive in North Wales? The Evo Triangle mixes fun with calm. This 20-mile route, made up of parts of the A5, A543, and B4501, shows off beautiful Welsh sites.

Start off on the A5 with its long straights. It then moves to lovely curves before reaching Pentrefoelas. Here, pause to enjoy the view. Turning onto the A543 brings quick straights and smooth turns. Perfect for a leg stretch and to take photos of the moorlands.

Next, you hit the B4501 with its curved roads and rolling hills. This part is great for a peaceful look at North Wales. As you continue, the route stays scenic with stops for a quick fresh air break.

If you like sightseeing at the Evo Triangle, the mix of road types is great. From long stretches to winding climbs, it's fun. Plus, you can see local animals and the stunning Welsh environment. These times to stop let you enjoy the view, away from the driving thrill.

The Evo Triangle is more than a driving challenge. It's a way to see the beauty of Wales. Whether you drive a bit or explore fully, it's a memorable route. This makes your trip special, not just a simple drive.

The Evo Triangle Road's Highlights

Driving the Evo Triangle Road, you'll spot the stunning Clocaenog Forest right away. It's famed for its tall trees that make a thick forest roof. The road winds through a green tunnel, showing off nature at its best.

Clocaenog Forest

Clocaenog Forest is a must-see in Wales. It's a quiet place, full of plants and animals. This beautiful woodland is popular with visitors to North Wales. It mixes a fun drive with the peace of nature. The forest is home to many birds and animals.

Natural Beauty and Clean Air

The Evo Triangle is great for anyone looking for natural beauty. The forest air is pure and refreshing. It's perfect for getting away from city life. You'll love the view whether you're driving a cool car or riding a bike.

Highlight Description
Clocaenog Forest Majestic woodland with a rich ecosystem, offering tranquillity and diverse flora and fauna.
Natural Beauty Picturesque landscapes with lush greenery and towering trees, creating a captivating tunnel-like pathway.
Clean Air Refreshing and reinvigorating atmosphere, perfect for escaping urban hustle and appreciating nature's tranquillity.

Every bend in the Evo Triangle reveals Wales' natural charm. It's more than just a road – it's a journey filled with fresh air and stunning sights.

Best Driving Roads in Britain: Why The Evo Triangle Stands Out

The Evo Triangle in North Wales is amongst Britain's top driving roads. It's made up of the A5, B4501, and A543. These roads promise a thrilling drive with smooth surfaces and tough turns. It's perfect for anyone who loves a good challenge behind the wheel.

This road stands out as it lets you drive without speed restrictions. You can pick your speed depending on the road's conditions. Even though 60mph is advised, you'll find the freedom to push your car's limits safely. This is especially true on clear stretches with tight corners, testing your skills.

The Evo Triangle's landscape offers varying challenges. You will experience both uphill and downhill driving. This mix keeps your drive engaging, suitable for different cars and levels of driving expertise. It is a paradise for those who enjoy more varied routes than just flat, straight ones.

There's more to the Evo Triangle than thrilling drives. The views of Llyn Brenig and Alwen Reservoir are breathtaking. Every corner turn reveals the beauty of North Wales, adding a touch of joy to your experience.

After a long day of driving, places like Swallow Falls Hotel offer a comfortable stay. The journey towards the Evo Triangle might see some traffic. But once there, the roads are perfect. This makes the Evo Triangle a must-drive in Britain.

The Evo Triangle is also known for its history and culture. It's named after the popular Evo magazine. This adds to its appeal, turning it into a mecca for car and bike lovers. The blend of new driving fun and historic charm marks the Evo Triangle as a key destination on Britain's map of incredible drives.

Safety Tips for Driving the Evo Triangle Road

Driving the Evo Triangle Road can be exciting, but safety comes first. With tough North Wales traffic, hidden speed cameras, and various roads, staying alert is key. Follow these tips for a safe and fun journey.

Speed Limits and Traffic

Driving safely means sticking to speed limits. The Evo Triangle has both open views and winding paths. Watch out for speed cameras, especially on the A470 through the Brecon Beacons. Police might check speeds in unmarked cars. Also, look out for hidden cameras in places like horse boxes and unmarked vans. Controlling your speed ensures you can handle any surprises on the road.

Emergency Contacts

Don't forget a list of emergency contacts when exploring North Wales. Keep local emergency numbers and a charged phone handy. This quick action plan can be a lifesaver in accidents or roadside emergencies.

Additional Tips

  • If you're new or too confident, the Evo Triangle can be challenging.
  • Expect more traffic on weekends, like the Evo run on April 29th. Plan your drive accordingly.
  • Places like Barmouth and Harlech are perfect for beautiful pit stops.
  • Watch out for increased traffic on special days like the 21st for a Welsh theme trip.
  • Enjoy the beautiful North Wales carefully, especially the routes to the Highlands.

By following these guidelines, your drive on the Evo Triangle will be both safe and unforgettable.

Event Date Details
Planned Evo Run April 29th Increased traffic expected.
Romantic Trip April 21st Anticipated rise in tourism.
Highlands Tour June 2nd Featuring 4 ST's and 1 RS.
Speed Cameras Year-Round Especially on A470; unmarked policing.

Road Trip Destinations in Wales: Beyond the Evo Triangle

Look beyond the exciting Evo Triangle Road for amazing road trip destinations in Wales. North Wales has breathtaking scenes and calm lakes. They're great for making memorable trips.

Exploring Llyn Brenig and Alwen Reservoir

Llyn Brenig and Alwen Reservoir are perfect for a quiet break. They're in beautiful settings, perfect for outdoor fun. You can fish, walk in nature, and enjoy peaceful picnics there.

“Llyn Brenig is a stunning spot for both nature lovers and adventure seekers.”

Joining the Llyn Brenig Sailing Club

Joining the Llyn Brenig Sailing Club can make your trip even better. It's open to anyone interested in sailing. You can enjoy the water, see amazing sights, and make your road trip special.

When you plan your trip, also check out other great road trip destinations in Wales. This includes the famous A4069 Black Mountain Pass, loved by testers and bikers. And the Abergwesyn Pass, a remote road surrounded by wild Welsh nature. Exploring these places shows the full beauty and excitement of Wales.


The Evo Triangle Road is a top pick for car lovers, taking you through stunning landscapes in North Wales. Loved by many, it shows the heart of British driving adventures. You'll see peaceful forests like Clocaenog and wide views on the A543.

Driving the Evo Triangle means exploring Britain's best roads. It starts in Cerrigydrudion and winds through classic British scenes. You can fish, have a picnic, and enjoy beautiful nature along the way.

There are speed cameras to keep you safe without losing the road's fun. This shows how the Welsh Government cares about your thrilling yet secure drive.

If you're up for a short trip or a day out, the Evo Triangle is perfect. Its flawless roads and fun twists make every drive memorable. Just remember to drive safely and have an amazing time on one of the UK's most scenic routes. The Evo Triangle is ready to remind you why you love driving, with beautiful views in North Wales.